Mondaiji tachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sō Desu yo? Wiki

Game Boards are summonable locations, and may provide certain buffs and debuffs to players.

Shiroyasha's Gameboard (Mountain)[]

Shiroyasha's gameboard

A white hill peeking out from the horizon. A forest's lake shore

An icy field surrounding a mountain. Used during a gift game with You Kasukabe and Shiroyasha. It had a snowy field and frozen lake --- a world where the sun went around horizontally as well.

Shiroyasha's Gameboard (Tree)[]

Shiroyasha's gameboard 2

A giant tree, trapping players inside. The air changes inside, as noted by You Kasukabe's animal senses. This game board is used in a gift game, Underwood Maze, where players attempt to either escape the tree or disable the opponent.

City of Hamelin[]

City of Hamelin

The city of Hamelin from the story, Piper of Hamelin in Grimm's Fairy Tales. Summoned by Black Percher during a gift game, this game board is Weser's hometown, giving him a power boost. It also hides the location of the stained glass 'False Legend'.

Moon Palace: Chandra Mahal[]

Moon Palace Chandra Mahal

Summoned by Black Rabbit, the place is 380,000km high, as to escape from Hamelin's Grimoire's range.
